sábado, 14 de maio de 2016

                                       11° Planejamento de aula de inglês

NOME:Pamela e Ana Buch
SÉRIE:5° ano
OBJETIVO:Desenvolver a oralidade dentro da sala de aula ,e que consigam falar em inglês.


Texto: Tentar dormir.

Norma went to bed. It was eleven o'clock. She turned out the light. She lay in bed. It was dark. It was quiet. She couldn't sleep. She closed her eyes. She tried to sleep, but she couldn't. She turned the light back on. She opened her book. She started to read her book. It was a good book. She read one page. Then she read another page. After a while, she felt sleepy. She closed the book. She turned out the light. She closed her eyes. She went straight to sleep.
audio do texto:http://aulasdeinglesgratis.net/2-try-sleep-2-tentar-dormir/
*Com ajuda da professora e do áudio depois todos iriam ler juntos.

1- escreva o texto em seu caderno,tentar ler .

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